Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Want More Orgasms!

Vibrators boost sexual satisfaction? Why didn't anyone tell us! Spice up your sex life by trying our newest dual action, water resistant Wild Orchid, which features a rotating shaft, multiple speeds and an "orchid cup" clitoral stimulator.

Friday, May 28, 2010

The Sensual Zodiac: Gemini (my Sign!!!!)

You are among the people most likely to lead a double life.
Sensual Gemini women are among the most secretive and enigmatic
people on earth.

Have you ever wondered what makes you as fascinating as you are?
Well for starters… when you walk into a room, you bring an elusive quality that’s hard to define. Your smile is as intriguing as the Mona Lisa’s and there’s this amazing air of sensual mystery that surrounds you like a force field. You give the impression you are a woman of rare talents and deep insights. To others, you appear to have it all: good looks, style, confidence and an abundance of energy that keeps you looking younger and more in control than most women.

Fresh, Fascinating, Exciting and Impulsive

Hands down, you win the Sensual Zodiac award for: “The World’s Most Sexually Intriguing
Personality.” What other women merely talk about doing…you’ve already done…and could easily
write a book about (if you haven’t already done so). You are the only sign in the entire Sensual
Zodiac who can be a great match for any of the other signs.

You truly have a gift for getting along with anyone
Being around you is never boring. Spontaneity is your personal signature. If your brand of sex
appeal was bottled as a perfume, it might be called “Unforgettable.” Why? Because it’s what
you are.

And here’s another interesting fact about you…

You were never intended for the ordinary life. Your appetite for novelty, change and adventure keeps you moving at a breakneck pace. Freedom is your personal mission statement.

What attracts a Sensual Gemini woman?
Words are your mental aphrodisiac. You fall in love in your mind first and then your heart soon
follows. Any lover who wants to attract and hold your attention must be a great conversationalist. Interesting is more important to you than looks ever will be. You want to live, breathe and exist on a consistent diet of sensual mental stimulation. Passionate mental foreplay is the fastest way to your bedroom door.

Sexually you are magnificent.
When you make love, it’s as if you fall into a trance. Your responsiveness is electric. One passionate kiss on the back of your knees melts you like butter and you begin to sizzle like a hot tamale.

How to seduce you?

The key that unlocks your sensual door is found hidden deep within your very own sexual curiosity. For the Sensual Gemini woman, it’s what opens the door and unlocks her imagination. Just the very thought of new discovery, a unique experience, something unnamed and something untamed... and you melt like ice in the hot summer sun.

Best Passion Product for you:

“Ride ‘Em Cowgirl!”
Why? Because this sensual, sex education book will lead to some provocative conversation, get your blood flowing, stimulate your imagination and add spice and novelty to any relationship.

Sex Secrets of the Sensual Gemini Man
Ultimate Sensual Gemini Celebrity: Johnny Depp

Who’s the Sensual Gemini man?
He enters your life with a great sense of confidence and power. He wears his calm and self assurance easily and comfortably… like other men wear cologne. He is irresistible, independent, enigmatic as well as a roguish romantic who has a PhD in flirting.

He is the perfect combination of boyish charm meets masculine confidence. He’s the eternal Peter Pan. His personality is playful and yet he has a serious core. He is the ultimate paradox because of his ability to be disciplined without being rigid. He loves spontaneity, yet craves structure. He easily excels in business by being clever and tactful in negotiations
and yet he is willing to spend large amounts of money in to finance his personal pursuits of novelty experiences or new forms of excitement.

Here’s the secret of his sexual power:

He is a master with words. He uses his verbal skills to create a subtle intoxication that very few women can resist. He knows (and uses) the right words at the right time to disarm and charm any woman. You can expect to be swept off your feet, dazzled by his wit, and wooed by soft sweet promises, that pour from his lips like wine or honey.

What attracts a Sensual Gemini?
You must now and forever give him stimulating conversation. In order for a Sensual Gemini to truly fall in love, there must be a seamless blending of spiritual, mental and physical. When all these forces line up together, your Sensual Gemini will take you on a wild ride through a landscape of ripe emotions.

How to attract and keep a Sensual Gemini Man:

If you think hot sex alone will do it, think again. Your Sensual Gemini is comfortable with the art of making love without being in love. Good sex is great and yet it’s not enough. Stimulate his imagination, engage his intellect and arouse his curiosity.

Three Rules For Keeping His Romantic Interest

1. Forget routines (routines are boring and boring is NOT allowed)
2. Don’t suffocate him (Freedom + Adventure = Eternal Happiness)
3. Constantly challenge his mind.

His deepest desire is…

Your undying admiration. To a Sensual Gemini - admiration is a drug. When he wakes up in the morning he wants to find you gazing at him with wide luminous eyes as if he was the only man on earth.

How to seduce your Sensual Gemini man:

Excitement, surprises, novelty, variety, multiple orgasms and Tantric. And, yet above all there is one thing this guy’s passionate about, and that is being entertained. For him, entertainment means to be challenged and to be kept guessing. Anything that arouses his curiosity is considered entertainment.

Best Passion Product for the Sensual Gemini man:

“Complete Guide to Sexual Positions”
The Sensual Gemini man likes to keep up on the latest techniques. He will be intrigued and excited to try out a new
position every night of the week. Remember, novelty is the key to arousing his sexual excitement.

(excerpted from “Your Sensual Zodiac” by Suzie Johnson)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Passion Parties Goes Phthalate-Free!

That's right, Phthalate-Free! So you might be thinking what the heck is a phthalate?

Well phthalates are plasticizing agents that are used in many applications from floor tiles to moisturizers, but these plasticizing agents have come under fire lately as being related to health concerns. If you are well versed on the phthalate controversy, as many health conscious people are, then you may already know that these plasiticizing agents are commonly used in adult toys to make them more pliable. Once again Passion Parties listened to it's consumers, and Sales Consultants, and we are the first and only Sensual Party Sales company to go completely phthalate free. Check out this great article about it at DMN Forums: "Passion Parties Becomes First and Only Company to Exclusively Sell Phthalates-Free Toys"

I am so proud to be a part of a company that cares about it's consumers! I love being able to teach women about their bodies, sexual health, and sensuality in a tasteful and intimate setting! One of our company mottos is: "Empowering women from the bedroom to the bank!". It is such a good feeling knowing that Passion Parties truly backs up that statement by continuing to strive in their efforts to not only empower, but keep our customers safe..... and very happy. ;)

Check out to learn more about our products, order online, book a party, or become a Consultant yourself!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Singing for the Big O

A friend of mine sent me an interesting article by Suzie Heumann: What Do Singing, Throats And The Vagus Nerve Have To Do With Orgasm Suzie Huemann is the founder of, and draws the line between the vagus nerve and more powerful orgasms.

The Vagus nerve is a fascinating nerve that is responsible for many aspects of our bodies functioning, many studies have been done regarding this nerve, which is one of the longest nerves we have in our bodies, it is responsible for regulating our heartbeat, and sending and receiving many signals to and from our brains.

Suzie Huemann suggests though, that this nerve, and its control over areas of the abdomen and diaphragm may be related to stronger orgasms. Through hitting some of those lower diaphragm engaging notes you can increase your enjoyment and the intensity of your orgasms.

So open up your throat, and activate that vagus nerve with a throaty rendition of "Let's Get it on" or maybe just some good old fashioned moaning to increase your pleasure. Couldn't hurt to give it a try. ;-)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Sensual Zodiac: Virgo

Zodiac Secrets of the Sensual Virgo Woman

Sensual Virgo women are the consequential voyeurs of the Sensual Zodiac.
It’s interesting to watch …other people watching you. You’ve got that
special female magic that attracts attention like a magnet. Women
admire your competence. Men are attracted to your quiet confidence.

Thoughtful, Affectionate and Gracious
You are intuitive, astute, efficient, reliable and ready to change the
world. No matter if you’re being a wife, mother or CEO, your amazing
attention to detail, coupled with your deep desire to help, makes you

Sensuous, Naïve and Mischievous
You are an intriguing combination of virgin and vixen. To the outside world you appear wholesome and pure as snow. In private you are fierce, passionate and exciting. If
your sex appeal was a perfume, it might be called “Innocence.” Why? Because you have that sweet and sexy, practical and playful, girl-next-door combination that is too tempting for most men to resist. That’s why falling in love with you is so easy.

What does a Sensual Virgo woman want?
Simply put, you want the best of everything. You want security and freedom. You want passion andharmony. You want friendship and wild romance. You want surprises and predictability. You want it all. And lucky for you, you are the kind of woman who gets exactly what she wants.

How to seduce you?
It’s the kiss that unlocks your sensual door. For you, the magic of sex is found in the lips. If your
lover wants to truly blow your mind in bed, he must master the seven kisses of the Kama Sutra.
1. The kiss of bliss – Warm lips, soft tongue, slow and melting.
2. The kiss of the butterfly – Warm lips, light as butterfly wings.
3. The kiss of the vampire – Warm breath, tiny nibbles on the neck.
4. The kiss of the sword – Firm, wet, darting and dueling tongues.
5. The kiss of the rose – Hot lips, warm tongue, circling your clitoris.
6. The kiss of the bee – Hot lips, warm nibbles on your breast and nipples.
7. The kiss of the rain – Warm kisses that fall in hundreds of spots.

(Secretly) Your deepest fantasy is…
To be kissed senseless. You long to have every spot on of your body to be kissed - from the tip of
your nose, to the tips of your toes, to the back of your knees, to the back of your hand. You want to be showered with kisses while you slowly melt like ice cream in the hot Caribbean sun.

Best Passion Product for you:
Nipple Nibblers
Why? It will help you and your lover enjoy some of the best kisses ever. Enjoy yourself as you invite him to practice the “kiss of the bee” while you are wearing Nipple Nibblers.

Sex Secrets of the Sensual Virgo Man
Ultimate Sensual Virgo Celebrity: Lance Armstrong

Who’s the Sensual Virgo man?
He enters your life quietly and steals the spotlight. On the surface he appears calm as cucumber and yet just beneath the surface you can sense the turbulent sexual currents. Discerning and analytical, he needs order like other men need water. Meticulous, thorough and neat, he’s the type of guy the IRS sends thank you cards to. And yet he’s a gentleman who understands how a woman wants to be treated.

Witty, Ambitious and a Dry Sense of Humor
Even though he’s not the most popular guy at the party, he is the one most girls remember. Stubborn, private and as independent as a wild horse… he keeps his heart shut tight as a drum. Here’s a word of warning: If he’s not in love with you, don’t waste your time trying to catch him. That would be like attempting to catch an eagle in a butterfly net. The Sensual Virgo man has mastered the art of living in the moment. He’s reliable, authentic and true to himself. You will
never know for sure, exactly how many lovers there were before you.

In other words…he’s usually a very discreet lover.
If you are attracted to him, expect for him to bring a new kind of challenge into your life. In public, many Sensual Virgo men appear to be much more conservative than they really are. In private, don’t be shocked to discover you have an adventurous, daring insatiable lover on your hands.

Here’s the secret of his sexual power:
When he’s sexually aroused, it’s an all consuming experience. For him, sex is an all or nothing experience. If it’s you he wants…then he will stop at nothing to get you. If you are unavailable, he’ll patiently wait – like a tiger stalking its prey in the tall brush. If you are playing hard to get, he will taunt you, like a cat toys with a mouse.

What attracts a Sensual Virgo man?
He’s more attracted to intelligence than elegance, common sense over sophistication. He’s looking for a woman who is equal to him in every way. He’s not afraid to be your sensual, mental, emotional and intellectual soul mate. Your Sensual Virgo is not interested in owning his woman. In fact, he would much rather feel like he belongs with you instead of to you.

How to seduce your Sensual Virgo man:
Remember this: His natural instinct is to pursue. So, if you want to capture his attention, play it cool. Keep enough distance to be just out of his reach. Instead of pursuing him, let him chase you.

Here’s the number one secret to capturing and holding his romantic interest:
Constant Anticipation. The biggest mistake you can make when seducing a Sensual Virgo male is for you to be perceived by him as being too easy to get. Like a cat that’s had too much milk, he’ll quickly lose interest. The secrets to keeping him interested and eager for you is to first tease and then withdraw. Send enough mixed messages to keep him in a constant state of anticipation.

His secret sexual fantasy:
Adventurous sex. That means, having sex in the mud, sex on the floor or sex on the beach. Deep down he longs to shed his inhibitions and throw caution to the wind. He’s looking for a woman who can inspire him to get down, get adventurous and play with passion.

Best Passion Product for the Sensual Virgo man:
The Love Swing
Why? Because it will help to bring out his wild side and give him that sense of freedom he craves. Give it a try and you’ll
see first hand another side of this man… totally set free!

(excerpted from “Your Sensual Zodiac” by Suzie Johnson)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

National Anal Sex Month!!

Wow, So I just found out that August is National Anal Sex Month! It's TRUE! I promise I wouldn't make this stuff up! I have spent a few hours trying to figure out how and when August became the Official Month for backdoor loving, but I have not found a solid resource on that..... But hey, it's a great excuse to write a blog about the possibilities for anal pleasure.

Now for all you straight guys that are rubbing your hands together excitedly, this anal sex thing goes both ways, each gender has an anus, and unlike us ladies, you even have a g-spot in there, or "he-spot" as some like to call it. The prostate gland is considered the male g-spot, and stimulation of this area can result in earth shattering orgasms. You may have to open your mind (thinking of the puns I could have inserted here... I will resist) if the anus is something you have always considered an exit only. I must assure you men, that the reports are glowing, and this is an experiment worth trying. The Male G-Spot Massager is an excellent product for exploring the joys of the prostate gland, it has a curved shaft to target just the right areas, and a removable roller ball attachment for perineal massage.

For a lot of people anal sex can seem very intimidating, and gets a bad reputation for not being very romantic, but this can be a very pleasurable and intimate area to enjoy as a couple. It is very important to remember when you do engage in anal sex to use lot's and lot's of lubrication, and lot's of communication. Communicate to your partner what does and does not feel good. You would want to start out slowly, start with a finger, or a slim toy. Again, use lot's of lubrication, the anus is not a self lubricating orifice, and when I say lubrication I don't mean saliva, it's best to use a specially formulated sexual lubricant. Such as one of the many lubricants, found on my website.

Some people report that they prefer to engage in anal sex after a nice cleansing shower, others will say that it is important to use the restroom before engaging in anal penetration. Others will use enemas to cleanse the area, but it is important to note, that, frequent use of enemas is not a good health practice.... this is not necessary either though some do use it as a preparatory method.

Another important tip is to remember to be careful of cross contamination with the vagina, be sure to use a condom, latex glove, or finger cot to prevent e. coli bacteria from coming in contact with the vaginal and urethral area. Additionally it is important to note that only toys made of metal or glass, can be completely sterilized and therefore rubber, jelly and silicone toys should either be designated for anal use only (for one person i.e. not used on anyone else), or you can cover your anal toys with a condom to protect them from bacteria they may come in contact with during anal use.

Some people like to use an anal numbing cream to ease the natural tendency to tighten the sphincter. There are a myriad of toys that can increase the pleasure of anal sex. Anal beads rapidly removed right at the moment of orgasm can result in explosive pleasure, they come in all different shapes and sizes, butt plugs can also be fun, and playful anal toy. It's important to try many things, to see which is the most enjoyable for you.

Anal sex can be very pleasurable for both partners, and in both genders, so if you are feeling adventurous give it a try sometime. If it's old hat for you then keep on, keeping on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Sensual Zodiac: Leo

Zodiac Secrets of the Sensual Leo Woman
July 24th to August 23rd

You are among the people most likely to:
Be involved in a sex scandal (Sensual Leos always get a lot
of attention).

Beautiful, Brilliant and Mentally Strong
You have the most powerful sexual appeal of the entire Sensual
Zodiac. You ARE the total package. You have style, intelligence,
glamour, charm and an amazing belief in yourself. Whenever you walk
into a social setting, the party instantaneously goes to the next level.

As a lover, you possess an abundance of sexual vitality.
It’s astonishing how you have such an uncanny ability to relate to
almost anyone… in a matter of just minutes. Women like you are able
to feel as comfortable chatting to foreign dignitaries as they are talking
to their best friends. Let’s face it. That confidence makes the rest of us find you very attractive.

If your sex appeal was a perfume, it would be called… “Blaze.” Why? Because you were born with a firestorm of sensuality and even though you like to yield slowly to intimacy, care and tenderness, when that vivacious, fiery and creative side of yours gets you heated up, your sexual candle begins to burn at both ends. And once ignited, it’s almost impossible to extinguish.

Here’s another remarkable discovery about you:
As the queen of intuition… you have this amazing ability to somehow find a way to be exactly where you need to be. It’s as if you always seem to know what you need to know at the exact moment that you need to know it. Lucky you. What a wonderful gift you have!

Intense, Heated, Driven, Saucy, Sexy and Totally Enchanting
Good natured, loyal and genuine. These are some of the words that help us better understand why making love to you is a level ten experience!

Here’s one more romantic secret about you:
You are usually very direct in your style of communication. If you don’t like a guy, you waste no time in letting him know that you are not interested. And when it comes to your lover he better not wear his heart on his sleeve because you pull no punches.

As a lover, you are a tender romantic.
In bed, you don’t roar... you purr. You can be more loving, more romantic, more sensuous, and more dedicated to pleasing than any other sign in the Sensual Zodiac. How you manage to transform into such a sweet and sexy kitty is a mystery. And one of the best things about you is how easily you keep adding sexual variety to your game.

How to seduce you?
With romantic gestures… attention, telephone calls, gifts, and time together. You like to have your lover arouse your sexual curiosity. The Sensual Leo is always ready for a game of sensual “cat-and-mouse.” And you are no exception. First, a novel distraction - it must be something unique - so subtly sensual, that it catches you totally off guard. Once you’ve caught the Sensual Leo’s curiosity and attention THE GAME IS ON!

Best Passion Product for you:
Pure Satisfaction
No woman should be without it, especially a Sensual Leo woman like you. Why? Because Pure Satisfaction sets your most sensitive parts tingling with excitement, encouraging your feelings of arousal to quickly spread throughout your body. No wonder Pure Satisfaction is Passion Parties’ number one selling product for women. It’s a great way to take your sexuality to the next level and introduce you to your more wild and uninhibited self.

Sex Secrets of the Sensual Leo Man
Ultimate Sensual Leo Celebrity: Antonio Banderas

See that attractive guy… the one all the women are pretending not to notice?
He’s charismatic, domineering and brilliant. You’ve just spotted the Sensual Leo male.

The Sensual Leo man is the ultimate hunter.
He tracks you with those penetrating eyes… that seem to look right through you. He stops your heart and has you grasping for air with his intense look and confident stare. You can’t help but get the feeling that he has no sensual boundaries. It makes you feel that going to “total” is a daily experience for him. Intensity, heat, desire, fire, warmth and love without limits are all states that come to mind as you describe his massive amount of sexual appeal. Soul-gazing
with the Sensual Leo man is an intense experience to say the least. Why? Because no matter how long or how deeply you look…you keep finding more.

The Sensual Leo man secretly craves a woman who is willing to lead him into a life full of mysteries, adventure and romance. So make sure your love nest is plush, luxurious, and filled with all kinds of delightful toys. This guy is looking for a woman who is both spellbinding and hopelessly adorable. He wants a woman who possesses the willingness to experience the widest range of emotions and enjoys slowing way down to make love in more unhurried, lazy ways.

How to seduce your Sensual Leo man
1. You get his attention with sight first, but he falls in love through touch.
2. For him curiosity IS foreplay.
3. Playfulness stimulates him and causes him to put down his guard.
4. Stroking him is the best way to melt him.

Sensuous touching is the quickest way to his arousal and spoiling him is the most direct path to his heart. For him, the reality of a woman being able to see past his proud, confident exterior and understand what he secretly enjoys…luxury, pleasure, lushness, extravagance, petting, rubbing and total indulgence – is one of the keys to have him finding himself thinking of you and wanting more.

Best Passion Products for the Sensual Leo man:
Silky Sheets
RomantaTherapy® Sensual Warming Lubricant

Why? Because it gives you the perfect tools to take control and set the stage for a night that will put him on the edge of ecstasy (and beyond). Start your night by having him take a bath or shower. While he is bathing, get everything ready. Toss a soft, large, towel in the dryer to warm. Dim the lighting and light some candles. Turn on sexy music and spray your bed sheets with Silky Sheets. Next… meet him (as he is finishing) with a warm towel and a pair of comfortable slippers. Remember… like any big cat… this lion loves to lie back, relax, and enjoy being petted, stroked and totally pampered. And tonight, because you have Gigi and you’ve added the warming lubricant for a more realistic experience… you’re going to indulge his fantasies and make them a reality.

(excerpted from “Your Sensual Zodiac” by Suzie Johnson)